Regular Meetings: 2nd Sundays, following worship (Room 102)
Edward Lewis, Chairperson
The men of Bryn Mawr Community Church, recognizing our responsibility as men to model Christ and thus enhance the spiritual life of the CHURCH; establish this group in support of the ongoing ministries of BRYN MAWR COMMUNITY CHURCH. Although the Men’s Club has a tradition of service to and support of church ministries, activities and events; it ministers to men through the fellowship opportunities its group service provides and in a more focused way through its annual retreat program.
The Men’s Club’s commitment to Service to church ministries, activities and events is open ended, and generally in response to recognized need and request, however its most regularly scheduled commitment is to Bryn Mawr’s food distribution ministry. Men interested in service to the food distribution ministry; and being available for general service should contact officers of the Men’s Club LaVerne Currie, John Grizzard and Ed Lewis.
Regular/Upcoming Events
- Fish Fry, 1st Saturday in May, 11am – 3pm, Proceeds benefit the Randolph May Scholarship Fund
- Fish Fry, 1st Saturday in May, 11am – 3pm, Proceeds benefit the improvement of the BMCC physical plant
- Men’s Annual Retreat, 3rd weekend in June (from Friday evening to early Sunday morning), held at an established retreat facility, with the provision of rooms, meals and conference space.